Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

ZIP File Strukture

Zip is a file format used for data compression and archiving. A zip file contains one or more files that have been compressed, to reduce file size, or stored as is. The zip file format permits a number of compression algorithms.
The format was originally created in 1989 by Phil Katz, and was first implemented in PKWARE's PKZIP utility,as a replacement for the previous ARC compression format by Thom Henderson.
The zip format is now supported by many software utilities other than PKZIP. Microsoft has included built-in zip support (under the name "compressed folders") in versions of Microsoft Windows since 1998. Apple has included built-in zip support in Mac OS X 10.3 (via BOMArchiveHelper, now Archive Utility) and later, along with other compression formats.
Zip files generally use the file extensions ".zip" or ".ZIP" and the MIME media type application/zip.Zip is used as a base file format by many programs, usually under a different name.
Zip files are often represented by a document or other object prominently featuring a zipper.

Magic Number

Magic numbers are common in programs across many operating systems. Magic numbers implement strongly typed data and are a form of in-band signaling to the controlling program that reads the data type(s) at program run-time. Many files have such constants that identify the contained data. Detecting such constants in files is a simple and effective way of distinguishing between many file formats and can yield further run-time information.

Unallocated Space

Unallocated Space is available disk space that is not allocated to any volume. The type of volume that you can create on unallocated space depends on the disk type. On basic disks, you can use unallocated space to create primary or extended partitions. On dynamic disks, you can use unallocated space to create dynamic volumes.

Unallocated space is simply defined as the area or space on the hard drive of the computer that is available to write data to.  

Slack Space

Slack space or sometimes referred to as file slack is the area between the end of a fileand end of the last cluster or sector used by the file in questionArea is an area that will not be used again to store the information thereso the area is "wasted" uselessSlackspace is common in file systems that use a large cluster sizewhile the file system that uses a small cluster size can organize the storage media more effectively and efficiently.Amount of wasted disk space can be thought is estimated by multiplying the number offiles (including the number of directorieswith half the size of a clusterFor examplea 10 000 personal computer that stores files in a file system that uses a cluster size of 4kilobytes will have approximately 10 000 x 2 MB ~ = 20000 KBOn a large file server,slack space and even reached the size of tens of gigabytes.

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

MBR (Master Boot Record)

What is the MBR?
At the end of the ROM BIOS bootstrap routine, the BIOS reads and executes the first physical sector of the first floppy or hard disk on the system. This first sector of the hard disk is called the master boot record (or sometimes the partition table or master boot block). There is a small program at the beginning of this sector of the hard disk. The partition information, or partition table, is stored at the end of this sector. This program uses the partition information to determine which partition is bootable (usually the first primary DOS partition) and attempts to boot from it. 

Structure File System

  • FAT16
FAT16 is a file system that uses the allocation unit that has a limit of up to 16-bitso it can store up to 216 units of allocation (65536 pieces)This file system has a capacity limit of up to 4 Gigabyte sizes only. Allocation unit size used by the FAT16 partitiondepends on the capacity that was about to be formattedif the partition size is less than 16 megabytesthen Windows will use the FAT12 file systemand if the partition sizelarger than 16 megabytesthen Windows will use the FAT16 file systemThe following table contains information any operating system that supports the FAT16 file system.
  • FAT32
FAT32 uses allocation unit size is smaller than the file system FAT12/FAT16so FAT32is more efficient when applied on a large partition (size greater than 512 Megabytes).The savings made ​​by comparison with FAT16/FAT12 FAT32 is approximately 20to 27%Windows 98 has a utility that can be used to convert the FAT16 partition to FAT32without losing data.

FAT32 is a derivative of the File Allocation Table (FAT) file system that supports drives with over 2GB of storage. Because FAT32 drives can contain more than 65,526 clusters, smaller clusters are used than on large FAT16 drives. This method results in more efficient space allocation on the FAT32 drive.
The largest possible file for a FAT32 drive is 4GB minus 2 bytes.
The FAT32 file system includes four bytes per cluster within the file allocation table. Note that the high 4 bits of the 32-bit values in the FAT32 file allocation table are reserved and are not part of the cluster number.

Senin, 05 Maret 2012

DVWA Medium Security Exploitation Linux

Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) hacking tool is a collection of web-basedPHP / mySQL. DVWA may be an option for beginners to learn web hacking web hackingtechniques from scratchVarious web hacking attack technique can be obtained fromthis toolDVWA run through the local server (localhost)
but before we go DVWA we must first activate apache and mysql
after then we go DVWA activated as shown below,  and to enter our username andpassword